Digital Inclusion Program
The Digital Inclusion Program, which falls under the National Digital Agenda,…
e-Services Portal
This component will digitalize government services related to those provided to…
Public Service Leave Management System
Within the public service, a daily and vital aspect in regard…
Supporting Electronic Payment Solutions
Recognizing the importance of improving service delivery through the automation of…
Belize Electronic Licensing and Permit System
The Belize Electronic License and Permits System (BELAPS) under the Supplies…
Department of Environment’s Online Permits and Application System
The Online Permits and Application System (OPAL) was launched by the…
Online Government Integrated Cashiering System
The Government Integrated Cashiering System (GICS), a revenue collection and receipting…
Strengthening the governance structure
The Cabinet endorsed the first National Digital Agenda, a four-year modernization…
National Identification Strategy
A National Identification System is fundamental to the Government’s commitment to…
Strengthening Civil Registry Program
A well-functioning civil registry system is recognized as a growing priority…
Digital Transformation Course in Belize
The Digital Transformation course will provide policymakers with the knowledge to…
Creating Cyber Awareness for Children and Teens
Considering the advancement in technology, the rapid increase of global breaches,…
National Data Strategy
Considering the advancement in technology, the rapid increase of global breaches,…
Capacity Building for Public Officers
Capacity Building within the Public Sector is a key component of…